Your PhD Thesis
Do You Know? In PhD thesis, size does not matter! A PhD thesis can range from 150-200 pages. Only your new knowledge and new discoveries matter. A Big Bulky thesis of over thousand pages most probably, not relevant issues. I want your “Contributions and show me what Problem did you solve? Don’t show me 300…
What is Body of Knowledge?
What is “Body of Knowledge” in Research?It Refers to a complete system whereby all professionals, scholars and scientists contribute collectively their expertise and skills. As such, it demands that any new professionals who would like to be part of this system must contribute new knowledge into the existing system in order to be recognised…
If you are like a cow, they milk you, if you are like a donkey, they put heavy load on your back. If you are like a horse, they ride on you …..remember, if you have knowledge, they are scared to death….
Hate and Haters
Hate is a hot subject. the haters are always in search of this topic. Indeed, it does not matter how kind you are, the hate is always here to stay.. Dr. Faryadi. Q
Greed Kills
Greedy people are like cancer disease, never satisfy until consume you with your bones….
Fake People…
Fake people are like shaitan, you can’t see them but they see you… Say NO to Fake people…
What is the common principle between a company manager and a university lecturer? Right! Leadership….. Leaders plan carefully and purposefully to gain their objectives.
New Knowledge
Do You Know How a New Knowledge is created? When researchers disagree and then agree, new knowledge is documented…
The Art of Teaching…
What is Learning Style?Learning style is defined as an individualistic pattern of learning which helps the learner learn better. The learner’s approach to learning, problem-solving and information-processing differs from one individual to another. Learners are created differently, and so they learn differently from one another.Techniques of Effective Learning…Tell yourself that you are learning with…